Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shenanigans on KVB.FM

KVB.FM is a new internet-radio station broadcasting live from Venice Beach that officially launches January 1 and I am happy to announce that I'll be working with them as a comedic correspondant. Which means starting today I'll be hitting the streets of VB to talk to the tourists, mingle with the transients and generally just do some shenanigans.

It'll be a lot like the stuff Pete and I were doing for CSTV but instead of college athletes I'll be chatting with gorgeous girls on the beach and instead of angrily working for peanuts for a major media conglomerate I'll be happily working for free for what I think is a great new startup.

I Can't Believe I'm on Facebook Either

A few days ago, after a long & painful battle against Facebook I finally gave in and joined the world's most popular social networking site. I didn't join because I wanted to get in touch with all kinds of folks I haven't talked to in awhile and I didn't join because I am suddenly single and looking to interweb mingle (although I must say I don't look down on anyone who joined for that very reason).

I joined because I'm attempting to do comedy, and that's a tough racket. It has always been tough for comedians to find their audience and in modern times it's even harder because in addition to stand-up and sketch and improv and all the comedic mediums of the past there's now YouTube and Funny or Die and College Humor and Tumblr and the rest of the internet. But, when all is said and done still nothing quite compares to seeing comedy live. When I do a show for living people (and god-willing do well) I make a connection with the audience that just can't be matched by watching something on your computer screen or your iPhone. And that's where Facebook comes in.

The other day I did a gig and after the show was over I hung around the green room drinking for a bit while the audience cleared out. When I finally decided to head out there was a girl from the audience that night who'd been waiting to talk to me, she told me how funny I was and how she wants to come back again and bring all her friends to see me. I thanked her and told her I look forward to seeing her in the crowd again and that's when she dropped the hammer. "Are you on Facebook?" she said, clearly excited at the possibility of friending me and/or starting a fan-club in my honor. "Actually, I'm not on Facebook," I said. And with that I saw the light in her eyes starting to dim. I tried to salvage it with "I do have a website though where you can see my schedule..." but the light was now totally gone. I wrote down my site and even my Twitter and she accepted it, but we both knew what had happened. That piece of paper was going in the trash or more likely getting lost in the wash. The closest thing I ever had to a fan was gone. She wouldn't be starting my SNL or Oscar hosting campaign page, she wouldn't be friending me, in fact she wouldn't ever be thinking about me again, because there's only one way people connect anymore and "I'm not on Facebook"...until now.

I'm doing the best I can to embrace it by writing status updates and friending old aquaintances, but deep down I hate myself for it. Which is why every morning, before I log on, I watch the video below and use a sharp knife to cut my upper thigh.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Joe & Jerry's Navy Nog Recipe


Joe & Jerry's Navy Nog aka a 'Joe & Jerry'
12 egg yolks
5 cloves, whole
4 cups milk
4 cups cream
1+ 3/4 cups sugar
2+ 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1 teaspoon cinnamon, ground
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg, ground

  • In a saucepan over low heat, blend the milk, cinnamon, cloves and half a teaspoon of the vanilla essence.
  • Keep stirring while mixture heats, and remove from heat just before that shit boils.
  • In a bowl, mix together the sugar with all those egg yolks.
  • Make sure you whisk them well, until they're mad light and fluffy. Ever so motherfucking gently pour in the milk mixture while continuing to whisk.
  • Transfer mixture back into your saucepan over a medium heat while you continue stirring that shit.
  • Keep stirring until your eggnog mixture starts to resemble custard. Never let that shit boil!!!
  • Pour and strain the mixture into a jug, making sure to remove the cloves.
  • Stand jug in the fridge for an hour or two.
  • Gently stir in the cream, the SAILOR JERRY SPICED RUM, remaining vanilla and ground nutmeg.
  • Put back into the fridge overnight.
  • Serve in cups with. You can put a little extra ground nutmeg, cinnamon or baking cocoa sprinkled lightly on top if it tickles your balls, but you usually get too drunk to bother with that shit after one glass.

Enjoy Safely and Happy Holidays from JoePraino.com and SAILOR JERRY SPICED RUM

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Walken Dead

The Walking Dead is great, but just thinking about The Walken Dead fills me with joy. I can hear Chris in my head delivering classic dialogue like "I'm a zombie?...You're a cantaloupe."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Guy from Weeds & a Guy with Weed

I did two shows last night at The Stress Factory in New Brunwick, NJ as the MC for the great Kevin Nealon. In my time doing comedy I have met some famous folks that I admired, only to have them turn out to be total assholes. I am happy to report that was not the case with Kevin. He was cool, kind and funny in person and I'm now a bigger fan than I was before the show, which honestly I didn't think was possible. If you have a chance to see Kevin live I highly recommend doing so...even if I'm not also on the bill.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Zombie Joe

This is how I look before I have my morning coffee...the blood is from the barista at Starbucks that accidentally served me decaf.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Forget Joe Buck

This guy needs to be in the booth for the NFL Game of the Week on FOX...especially if the Packers are playing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Not St. Louis Too!

Last week the San Diego Chargers lost to Oakland and this kid just could not handle it. I hope he only reacts like that after division losses. Because this week his Chargers lost to the Rams, a team that went 1-15 last year, and I'm worried he may kill himself.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Obama. Oh bother.

Remember how well the great Winnie-the-Pooh character Eeyore used to express his overwhelming feeling of depression and despair with his simple catch phrase Oh bother? That's exactly how I feel when ever I find myself mentioning our president these days.

For example, today the president's handpicked Attorney General, Eric Holder, said he would continue to enforce federal drug laws in California even if the state legalizes pot by passing Prop 19 and not only didn't President Hope & Change immediately fire him, but he actually supported him.

When that happened there wasn't much I could muster, I simply let my chin drop to my chest and sadly sighed Oh bama.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Like Jordan on the Wizards...

I am returning to the internet.

JoePraino.com will soon resume live activity. Please visit in the near future for all my videos, info on upcoming shows and much more.

It's good to be back,